Net Promoter Score – Early Warning System

PROBLEM: A professional technology/services firm heard from their salespeople and support professionals that their customers ranged from wildly satisfied to extremely disappointed. They didn’t have a clue about why there were such wide differences in customer satisfaction within their client base and had no idea how to keep the most frustrated customers from leaving.

SOLUTION: We implemented a quarterly interviewing project which gathered input from 20% of their customers each quarter. The objective was to calculate Net Promoter Score (NPS) and get input about specifically what was going well and what needed improvement from the customers’ perspective. After the first quarter we were able to:

  • Establish their baseline NPS score for future monitoring
  • Competitive pricing for all opportunities
  • Identify the highest priority issues they could address to retain customers
  • Provide information to segment customers and identified key differences in expectations between each segment

RESULT: Within a year, their NPS score increased by 15%. Each quarter, they used the data to identify improvements and innovations they could make to address the highest priority issues. Customer turnover reduced by 20% and they established an annual customer summit to facilitate best practice sharing amongst customers.