Win Loss Analysis Tip #105: The Benefit of Doing Market Research with New Customers

Sometimes new win/loss research clients will probe me about what value there is in interviewing won customers vs. only talking to lost prospects. Great question! Even though our instinct is to only talk to people who did NOT choose us to get the greatest insights, it’s very helpful, and important to talk to both losses AND wins. Your won customers went [...]

Win Loss Analysis Tip #103: Use the “Drip” Method to Implement Successful Win Loss Market Research

I have discovered several success factors when it comes to implementing the ‘drip’ method approach for win/loss research. Be sure that you have real-time access to contact information for recently won or lost accounts Devote a resource to regularly (at LEAST biweekly) updating a shared file that includes the following information for each account: company name, contact name/title, phone #, email [...]

Win Loss Analysis Tip #102: Cyclical Approach vs. “Drip” Method to Doing Market Research

There are two approaches I’ve used to help clients gather win/loss data after asking them some key questions: Cyclical approach ‘Drip’ method Cyclical Method: The cyclical approach would mean doing research with a targeted number of people every so often (could be quarterly or twice/year, for example). When I first began doing win/loss research for clients, I recommended doing a round [...]